Welcome to Cambridgeshire SAR
Cambridgeshire Search and Rescue (CamSAR)
We are the Lowland Search and Rescue Team covering our county, often also assisting sister teams in the wider region. We are a specialist team, called upon by the Police in the search for vulnerable missing people: a child, an elderly person living with dementia (also see our Dementia page) or even someone who is considering taking their own life. In each case, and many others, an emergency response is vital.
Our Licensed Search Technicians, Team Leaders, Search Planners, Search Operations and Search Managers turn out at all hours of the day and night to assist the police in the search for high-risk and vulnerable missing persons.
100% Professional
Working closely with our Lowland Rescue sister teams and other Search and Rescue organisations within the UKSAR Operators Group, every team member is trained to exacting national standards and undergoes yearly recertification through continual training. This ensures seamless interoperability when bringing in external resources to a Cambridgeshire incident or when responding to a mutual aid call elsewhere.
0% Pay
Available 24/7/365, the team is made up 100% of dedicated fully trained volunteers and receives no government funding, relying entirely upon one-off grants and individual donations – and team members’ own pockets – to continue to provide this service.
We are truly thankful to all those individuals, companies and other organisations that have supported us in-kind or with donations. To see how you might help, please look at our Support Us section.